Why you should attend the Peoples Walk for Wildlife on Saturday 22nd September

Next Saturday, 22nd September, will see the first Peoples Walk for Wildlife. This event starting in Hyde Park, London, will bring people together from across the UK to voice a very simple message: we want wildlife. Wildlife in the UK is in real trouble and its up to all of us to speak up for those species that can’t speak up for themselves. The more people who attend, the louder this voice will be.

So what’s the walk about? Its not just about the scores of hen harriers, golden eagles and short eared owls that are illegally killed on Britain’s grouse moors each year. Its not just about the thousands of badgers that are being killed in a cull that is not just scientifically questionable, but acts against scientific evidence. Its not just about the foxes that are still being killed by dogs in fox hunts in the UK, despite the Hunting Act coming into effect over a decade ago. Its not just about the 97% decline we’ve seen in our hedgehog population or the recent collapse of our insects. Or just about cetaceans, seabirds and fish being killed in high numbers through by-catch.

All of these issues are clearly important. But the Peoples Walk for Wildlife is not only about specific issues, but is also about our overall attitude towards wildlife. How can we better manage our countryside, towns and cities to restore the biodiversity that has been lost? How can we make sure that wildlife is considered by lawmakers, the government and local authorities to ensure it is preserved and cherished? How can we best connect people with the landscapes and species around them?

This is particularly important at the moment because Brexit means our environmental laws are up for debate. Its vital that we ensure that our wildlife is cherished. By giving wildlife the protection it deserves, it will flourish.

This is why its so important that as many people as possible turn out next Saturday in Hyde Park, London. The day starts at 10am with some entertainment followed by the walk at 1pm. And if you need one more reason to attend, Dame Judi Dench says you should. Follow Chris Packham (@ChrisGPackham) on Twitter or visit his website (www.chrispackham.co.uk) for more specific details about the day.


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